Dear Writers,
We hope your submission(s) have already arrived in our inbox, but if not you still have 10 days to send it in!
We’ve been struck by the submissions so far, responding to the theme of Life Expectancy and all the many ways this is particularly relevant in today’s world. Many of us are now aware of our own mortality and fragility in a new way, whether through how we’re targeted culturally or how we personally related to the pandemic. The editors at HamLit want to read short fiction and poems that offer insights into your brand of Life Expectancy.
Please remember, HamLit welcomes submissions from writers of all backgrounds and levels of experience. We are committed to publishing work that is thought-provoking, well-crafted, and emotionally resonant. We look forward to reading your words and sharing them with our readers.
Click here to explore submitting to HamLit
Please also share our call for submissions with your friends and community. we’re always looking to expand and bring new authors into the fold.
Thank you for your continued support of HamLit.
Best regards,
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