Dear HamLit Community,
The Vernal Equinox is here! The birds are chirping, Daylight Savings has pushed the sunset an hour later, and Issue 07: Due West has arrived! Move through life and these words as the sun moves through the sky, and you’ll find these beautiful works from these wonderful authors to help carry you through.
From movement of the generation, to the ending of relationships, these stories take on cycles and endings in a way that will touch you. We loved seeing all your interpretations of “due west,” and are so excited to share these with the world at large!
Here’s the link to the link to Issue 07: Due West:
As always, we love it when you share these issues with those who are passionate about writing and literature. HamLit is for everyone. It is our great honor to offer this platform to authors regardless of experience level and celebrate the bright light that shines from all. We encourage you to share your favorite piece on social media.
Again, thank you to everyone for their support and encouragement. Without our editors, authors, and readers, there would be no one to amplify and celebrate these talented writers!
HamLit News
Look to hear from us in April when we’ll be launching our Golden Shovel Challenge in honor of Poetry Month. A new phrase posted daily to inspire your poetic rhapsodies.
2024 holds two more HamLit publication opportunities for PNW writers: our Autumnal Equinox Issue 08 will release in late September (theme announcement coming in June) and our first ever Special Issue, HamLit After Dark–featuring spooky horror stories sure to give you tingles–will hit close to Halloween. Keep your eyes and ears perked for forthcoming details.
You can support us by encouraging your friends to subscribe to our newsletter, by following us on Facebook or Instagram, and/or donating to our Ko-Fi (which helps us pay for web hosting and offer honorariums to our incredible authors.) Stay tuned for more updates, exciting events, and future submission calls.
Best Wishes for a Sunny Spring,
Joe, Rochelle, and David
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