Our dear, precious HamLit Community,
We are delighted to have Issue 08, Hearth Songs, live now on our website! Your HL editors loved experiencing the stories and poems you carved, the detailed worlds you shared with us. Each melody will linger in our own hearths as we remember homes, both real and imagined.
As always, thank you to everyone who wrote, spread the word, or simply cheered us and our authors along.
There’s Room by the Fire 🔥🎶 Read Hearth Songs NOW
After Dark, There’s Still Time
As a reminder, our inaugural special issue, is still accepting submissions through the end of the month. We’ve already heard from several people submitting the weird, the terrifying, and the sensual. If you have evocative work about activities that happen (or normally happen) in the dark, we want to read it!
Please save the date of Sunday, October 27 from 5:30 to 7PM for an After Dark release party and live reading event. More info coming soon!
Authors in the News?
We assume you are and we’re always happy to promote your successes and updates with our readership! Please let us know what’s happening in your writing life. Pictures and links are always helpful.
And finally…
Again, thank you to all who submitted to Hearth Songs, and a huge congratulations to all whose work was selected!
Have a beautiful fall,
Joe, Rochelle, and David
Your HamLit Editors
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